Hospitality: The Power of Partnerships

The luxury hospitality and travel sector is forecast to grow to over $700bn in the next three years. This comes at a pertinent time in the consumer landscape, where a sense of experience is now valued more highly over possessions, and 'lifestyle' has become a linchpin in the marketing lexicon for luxury brands.

We've teamed up with our partner at The Independents, Kala Otto, to uncover the data behind the travel boom. The study shows that key hospitality accounts across Hotels, Airlines, Boats, and Trains have seen a significant uptick in the share of voice online, generating a staggering $799M EMV on Instagram in 2023. And this impact is set to grow.

This new mindset, paired with a boom in the sector's digitization, means brands across verticals are vying for a piece of hospitality's unwavering consumer allure and market buoyancy. Which partnerships resonated the most?

Find out in our new report.

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